Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bridge Mortgages Now Offers Fixed Home Equity Loans with Low Intro Rates

Bridge Mortgages Now Offers Fixed Home Equity Loans with Low Intro Rates (PR Web)

Bridge Mortgages began offering their new fixed rate home equity loan that provides a low introductory interest rate. The second mortgage lending team at Bridge has just released a new home equity product that offers a reduced intro rate for 6 months. The intro mortgage interest rates start as low as 6.25%. These home equity loans are 2nd lien installment mortgages with fixed interest rates with simple interest amortization.

According to mortgage consultant Sandy Sarconi, "This equity loan is perfect for my clients financing second home construction." Sarconi continued, "6 months of low interest rates allow borrowers to complete their home improvement projects and still have a fixed rate payment at the end of the day." This home equity loan has the characteristics of a home equity line of credit, but the interest rate is fixed so there is no fear of rising payments over the years.

Bridge is offering these introductory rates to homeowners with good credit scores ranging from 620 to 800. The 6.25% intro rate is offered to qualified borrowers with all combined loan to values not to exceed 100%. Applicants with a bad credit score may still qualify for other subprime refinancing products.

Fixed Rate Home Equity Loan Highlights

On all home equity loan programs eligible for this intro rate, our underwriting will use the higher of the two middle scores regardless of income. There are no cash out restrictions. There are no assets and reserves verified or even required for that matter.

In addition, Bridge Mortgages continues its tradition of their second mortgage loans having no mortgage insurance required.

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